All I want to do is stay here right on the floor
get lost in the night and dance like there is no tomorrow.....Familiar eh??
This is a posting primarily for Jazz.... There were times in the yester years when Jazz was considered a curse owing to its influence to drag people into misdemeanors but today it has become a rich music.The dance of aesthetes, which brings along its own beauty....I love this flamenco guitar I was listening to the other day and wish it was possible to move with the rhythm and you know why is it difficult?? It is because you cannot escape from the muse of the mellifluous music.
It has its own charisma....
"Ever heard of a note; so exotic that you want to wear it
as a ring of your life and collect it as a precious jewel in your thoughts
a music so.... congenial when you are happy,so reciprocative when you are sad
and still effectively depicts the affluence of your choice"
They call it PIVOT: Yes the twirl in Jazz is called by that name.... Open both the arms freely and put left leg behind; now get on your toes and rotate 360 degree anti clockwise smoothly.....A Jazz dancer is discriminated on the basis of the efficiency in performing those twirls and no.So this is where quality as well as quantity matters.
More such tips to come your way....Keep me posted!!